Talent challenges are at the forefront of most organizations today. It’s vital for organizations to recognize that career development is the key to unlocking their talent powerhouse. As employees see their employers invest in their development, they strengthen their commitment to the organization and increase their effort to acquire new skills and expertise. In the long term, the return on investment includes a deeper bench of talent for succession and more agility in shifting talent to meet market demands.
Strategic career development requires a thoughtful strategy to meet employee and organizational needs. It’s an unexplored frontier for many organizations, so they often don’t know where to start. You can start by assessing where you are today in order to be able to better define where you’d like to be in the future.
To define your organization’s career development strategy, consider the levers below.
Review the following levers and mark where your organization currently sits on each one.
As you reflect on the levers above, is your organization where you aspire to be? If not, what changes are needed to strengthen career development? If you don’t change, what is the cost?